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About us

Professional Dance School


舞團團長 陳濰翎 為前香港芭蕾舞團團員
Director Chen, Wei-Ling Ex-Dancer at Hong Kong Ballet



創團至今,儘管面臨營運經費短絀的現實壓力,但在對古典芭蕾的熱愛堅持下,仍陸續推出2009-胡桃鉗、2010-經典 芭蕾、2011-經典芭蕾II系列、2012-柯碧莉亞芭蕾舞劇、2013-園丁的女兒、2014-唐吉軻德芭蕾舞劇等 專業叫好的年度公演,並獲新北市文化局的肯定,連續六年榮獲「新北市傑出演藝團隊」。


專注年度公演外,亦自我期許能為台灣、新北市培養更傑出的舞蹈菁英,透過嚴格甄選與紮實培訓課 程,核心團員人數逐年增長,更與團員們攜手致力推廣新北市舞蹈藝術風氣。在落實社區文化基礎工作 層面,2013年起推出「愛上芭蕾」系列課程,以專業而不失趣味方式引導社區中、高齡者體驗芭蕾舞藝術,進而促進其身、心、靈健康和積極活化學習。



He Ying New Taipei Ballet

Our First IntentionCompared with other dance, ballet is still for an elite minority in Taiwan. With our abiding passion to ballet, we intend to introduce and promote classical ballet art to ordinary people via our teaching programs and regular presentations. Meanwhile we wish to be a great help in promoting ballet dancers’ skills as well.

Our Efforts & Achievement We presented classical ballet for 6 consecutive years (2010-2014), which was positively recognized by Cultural Affairs Department in New Taipei City Government and rewarded as “Outstanding Performing Art Team”. From 2013, we started “Love Ballet” program in which we take students at middle age or elder to appreciate and enjoy ballet art in a professional but interesting way. We believe the program helps in proving our neighborhood students’ health mentally and physically.

Our Teaching Program We provide ballet dance program for 3yrs to adults, including basic ballet, pointe, variation, modern, Chinese dance and kids dance. Apart from studio teaching, we hold regular presentations allowing students to perform on stage. Plus, we assist students in ballet competition and admission into dancing class in the elementary, high school and college. We hope to be a cradle for future ballet dancers.